
vapour pressure osmometer

vapour pressure osmometer

  • 翻译:蒸汽渗透压力计


1)vapour pressure osmometer,蒸汽渗透压力计2)steam,蒸汽3)Vapor,蒸汽4)vapour,蒸汽5)Steam Pipe,蒸汽管6)steam explosion,蒸汽爆破


Foam technology for improving development effect of intermission steam flooding;


Application of rotary steam tube dryer in drying pyrite concentrate;


System of Steam Network Collecting Data Online and Simulated and Optimized by Computer;


The process,equipment design and operation of a 120 kt/a sulphuric acid and 150 kt/a saturated vapor sulphur-burning sulphuric acid system in Yancheng Qingsong Sulphuric Acid-Energy Co.


This article introduces the common problem of the structure of vapor pipeline and crude oil pipeline's overhead arm of crude oil pontoon, and the structure's specific demands and the advantages and disadvantages of new and old structure.

20世纪 60年代以来 ,我国沿长江炼油厂原油趸船的蒸汽管线、原油管线跨舱臂结构常出现的问题 ,包括易渗漏、垫片易损坏、补偿性差、内应力大等。

Through regulating and optimizing condensating and cooling process of coking gas and developing waste heat utilization object of gas the vapour consumption of lithium bromide refrigerator was decreased,the comprehensive utilization of resources and the aim of saving energy resources and decreasing consumption were achieved in the coking plant of Jinan iron and steel group.

济钢焦化厂通过调整优化焦炉煤气冷凝冷却工艺以及开发煤气废热利用项目 ,降低了溴化锂制冷机的蒸汽消耗 ,实现了资源的综合利用 ,达到了节能降耗的目

The weld defects and thermal stress result in failure of vapour wax-removal loop-pipe used in floating roof tank.


The transmiting hot oil is substituted for vapour for refining benzene production processing andtransmiting hot oil furnace preressing in the coking plant of Laiwu iron and steel general works.


Application of Choke Plug Method in the Leakage Prevention of Water and Steam Pipes;


Mechanical patching of welding seam of steam pipe in oil tank;


Buried steam pipe is a kind of combination material used in steam pipe installation in recent years.


Effect of Steam Explosion Treatment on Mechanical Properties of Sisal Fiber/Phenol-formaldehyde Resin Composite;


Conversion of wheat stalk lignocellulose during the process of steam explosion;


In the experiment conducted by the authors,oak lumber flooring material was pretreated by steam explosion at a pressure of 0.

55 MPa的蒸汽爆破预处理,并与未处理的对照材进行对比。
