
direct contact spray type attemperator

direct contact spray type attemperator

  • 翻译:直接喷水减温器


1)direct contact spray type attemperator,直接喷水减温器2)direct-contact (spray) desuperheater,(接触式)喷水减温器3)spray desuperheater,喷水减温器4)spray attemperator,喷水减温器5)desuperheater spray,减温器喷水6)micro spray water desuperheater,微量喷水减温器


Structural design of new type spray desuperheater;


This paper introduced the characters and operation status of the spray desuperheaters of 1 025 t/h boiler.

介绍1025 t/h锅炉过热器喷水减温器的特点和运行情况,分析了温度应力引起的减温器失效的原因,其中设计材质不良、检修不及时、运行调节不佳是可以避免的。

Because of temperature stress,the spray tube of secondary superheater spray attemperator of 300 MW subcritical boiler may generate crack,the generation of crack can be prevented by change the material nature and wall thickness,and decrease the temperature stress.

30 0MW亚临界锅炉二级过热器喷水减温器的喷雾管 ,由于温度应力引起裂纹 ,改变喷雾管的材质和壁厚 ,达到降低温度应力的效果 ,从而阻止裂纹的产

This paper analyzed the weld crack cause of the micro spray water desuperheater tube joint of 1 025 t/h boiler A reheater,it considers that the crack is not caused by metal material and welding quality,but by incorrect assembly gap and low strength of spray water device,and effective improving measure was adopted,and obtained good results.

对1025 t/h锅炉A再热器微量喷水减温器管接头焊缝裂纹原因进行了分析,确认其裂纹产生原因不是常规的金属材料及焊接质量问题,而是由部件组装间隙不合格及喷水装置强度低所造成。
