Methods All of cases was devided into treatment group and control group,the former,with 176 cases,was given Acidum tranexamicum,Vitamin C and Vitamin E by oral;the latter,with 70 cases,was given only Vitamin C and Vitamin E,and observed the effecs during the period of treatment and 60 days after the treatment.
Objective To observe the effect of acidum tranexamicum on melanogenesis of B16 melanoma cells and mechanism.
目的 观察止血环酸抑制黑素瘤细胞的黑素合成作用并探讨其机理。
One hundred and twenty cases of primipara of vaginal delivery were randomly pided into tranexa mic acid group(Group A: pitocin+tranexamic acid), aminomethylbenzoic acid group(Group B: pitocin+aminomethylbenzoic acid) and pitocin group(Group C: pitocin).
为评价止血环酸用于减少分娩出血量的有效性和安全性 ,将 1 2 0例阴道分娩的初产妇随机分为止血环酸组 (A组 :止血环酸 +催产素 )、止血芳酸组 (B组 :止血芳酸 +催产素 )和催产素组 (C组 :催产素 ) ,分别观察 3组第 3产程和第 4产程出血量 ,并分别于产前 (第 1产程 )、产后 3 0min和产后 2h检测血纤维蛋白原 (FBG)及D 二聚体 (D dimer)。
One hundred and twenty cases of primipara of vaginal delivery were randomly pided into tranexa mic acid group(Group A: pitocin+tranexamic acid), aminomethylbenzoic acid group(Group B: pitocin+aminomethylbenzoic acid) and pitocin group(Group C: pitocin).
为评价止血环酸用于减少分娩出血量的有效性和安全性 ,将 1 2 0例阴道分娩的初产妇随机分为止血环酸组 (A组 :止血环酸 +催产素 )、止血芳酸组 (B组 :止血芳酸 +催产素 )和催产素组 (C组 :催产素 ) ,分别观察 3组第 3产程和第 4产程出血量 ,并分别于产前 (第 1产程 )、产后 3 0min和产后 2h检测血纤维蛋白原 (FBG)及D 二聚体 (D dimer)。
Effects of Gonghuanzhixue Tablets on Contraction Activity of Rats Uterine Smooth Muscle in Vitro;
To explore whether the extract deposited with ethanol in Gonghuanzhixue Tablets process was feasible.
目的 :探讨宫环止血片工艺研究中水提醇沉工艺的可行性。
Objective To explore the mechanism of Gonghuanzhixue Tablets for treating endometrorrhagia caused by Cu-IUD.
Effecy of Gonghuanzhixueling on blood rheology of Gu-IUD wearing rabbbits;
The clinical and experimental study on the influence of acidum tranexamicum(AMCA) to the metabolism of tyrosine
Effects of an Absorbable Hemostatic on Hemostasis of Injured Cancellous Bone;
The stoppage of bleeding or hemorrhage.
Its role is to fill the gas and hemostasia, refine the acerbity and detumescence, and clear hotness to moisture, ill the pain.
Digital Simulation of Pulmonary Hemodynamics in Response to Hypercapnia
Clincal Research on the Clinical Effect of GongHuanZhiXue Decoction Therapy on the Uferine Bleeding after Inset IUD;
Compatible Stability of Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride and Sodium Chloride Injection with Four Kinds of Antihemorrhagic Drugs
AVP used in stage of definitive treatment for uncontrolled hemorrhagic shock
Conclusion β-cyclodextrin can partially protect DNA plasmid from acid denaturalization.
Clinical Effect of Minocycline Hydrochloride Combined with Runzaozhiyang Capsule in Treatment of Acne Vulgaris
The Effect of cAMP on the Biochemistry index of Blood and Tissues of Broilers
Parmacokinetic study of Cifran in bile and blood of the dogs
The Research of Treatment of Doxycycline on Corneal Neovascularization;
Clinical signifcance of p53 gene mutation in circulating plasma DNA from hepatocellular carcinoma patients;
Research advance of free circulating nucleic acids in colorectal cancer peripheral blood
Effects of tranexamic acid on bleeding in patients undergoing valve replacement under cardiopulmonary bypass
The Relationship between Hyperuricemia and POCI
Changes of Cyclic Nucleotides Level in WHBE Rabbits with Irritable Bowel Syndrome of Spleen Deficiency Type