
plaited bamboo articles

plaited bamboo articles

  • 翻译:竹编织品


1)plaited bamboo articles,竹编织品2)bamboo weaving,竹编3)bamboo animal weaving,竹编动物4)bamboo weaving,竹编艺术5)woven products,竹编产品6)bamboo vase,竹编花瓶7)Dongyang bamboo handcraft,东阳竹编8)Bamboo over porcelain,瓷胎竹编9)Bamboo-weaving Art,竹编工艺10)bamboo plaited articles,竹编制品


The paper expatiates on bamboo weaving skill such as materials,weaving met hods,postwoking, showing the aesthetic traits and artistic form.

竹编工艺是我国一项优秀的传统手工艺,它与社会活动紧 密相连,体现了用与美的统一,特别是在绿色设计、生态经济中具有特殊的地位,需要我们 重新定位与再认识。

From the perspetive of the history of bamboo weaving technique, the paper expounds the naissance of bamboo animal weaving and the craftsmen’s continuing research, practice, exploration and creation in re- spect thereof based on the former experiences.


From the history of bamboo weaving art in China and from point of view in human civilization, thevarieties of bamboo products and their role in innovation for enterprise development are mentioned in the paper.


According to the status of bamboo resources in Sichuan province and experience obtained inproduction practice in recent years, this paper verifies market potential of bamboo woven products,as well asexpounding the role bamboo woven products play in removing poverty in rural areas.


In recent years innovation, new technology of bleaching and flower ribs added, make bamboo vase colorful and develop school of one's own.

近年来 ,竹编艺人们不断探索 ,不断创新 ,增加了漂白、花筋等新工艺 ,把竹编花瓶装扮得多姿多彩 ,它在众多材质制成的花瓶中独树一帜。

Analyzing product added value and the present situation of Dongyang bamboo handcraft, this article points out the problems of bamboo handcraft industry, and gives some rational proposals for the increase of product added value and the improvement of brand effect.


Linking of the reality, I have selected Chengdu Bamboo over porcelain as the research object so as to manifest bi.

