
injection modulator

injection modulator

  • 翻译:注频调制器


1)injection modulator,注频调制器2)pulse-width pulse-frequency modulator,调宽调频调制器3)frequency modulator,频率调制器4)modulating device,邻频调制器5)IF modulator,中频调制器6)RF modulator,射频调制器


Due to introduce a novel structured variable gain amplifier with high gain adjustment range, measurement results show that output power range of the IF modulator is -81~-10 dBm; the operation frequency is up to 600 MHz; the output noise at the minimum gain setting is -140 dBm/Hz, and the output P1 dB at the maximum gain setting is -4.

2 5 μmCMOS混合工艺 ,针对超外差结构的无线宽带收发器 ,实现了一个能够工作在 5 0~6 0 0MHz的中频调制器 ,并对该调制器进行了仿真和测试。
