detonation seal

  • 翻译:阻爆器


1)detonation seal,阻爆器2)explosion-proof resistor,隔爆电阻器3)choke vacuum braker,阻风门真空防爆器4)fire arresting and isolating,阻火隔爆5)Two ways of restraining explosion,双阻爆6)barrier and explosion proof,阻隔防爆


Locomotive braking is an important technique on colliery transportation,high-power explosion-proof resistor is applied on braking of under-mine accumulator locomotive working with a long distance and big slope.

煤矿井下运输中的机车制动是一个重要的技术问题 ,在长距离大坡度条件下的井下蓄电池机车制动时需要大容量隔爆电阻器。

By using the suppressing explosion methods such as monitoring, suppressing, acting of suppressing system, and fire arresting and isolating, the problems of anti explosion and suppressing explosion in the closed vessels have been solved.

对易燃易爆介质的防爆抑爆技术进行了阐述 ,指出了目前监测控制技术、惰化技术、爆炸泄放技术的应用特点及技术关键 ;封闭空间抑爆技术比较成熟 ,利用传感测控技术、抑制剂技术、抑爆启动技术和阻火隔爆技术较好地解决了封闭空间的防爆抑爆问题 ;开敞空间抑爆技术虽然利用传感技术、抑制剂技术解决了一些问题 ,但是 ,火焰减速灭火机理以及环保型抑制剂的灭火机理仍是目前热门研究课

Constant volume explosion model of combustible oil-air gas in storage-transport vessel and explosion model of combustible oil-air gas in storage-transport vessel with barrier and explosion proof materials being installed were separately built by use of the state equation of polytropic gas.

