Heat storage

  • 翻译:热储量


1)Heat storage,热储量2)geothermal storage,地热储量3)reservoir,热储4)thermal reservoir,热储5)geothermal reservoir,热储6)heat reservoir,热储


According to the information of the geothermal exploration, development and scientific research,the authors analyze the forming condition, reservoir type and developing potential of the geothermal resource in Tianjin.


In this paper the computer code of AUTOUGH2 is used to carry out numerical simulation study on the Wuqing geothermal reservoir for evaluating reservoir performance upon different exploitation schemes.

采用 AU TOU GH2热储计算软件对天津市武清县地热热储进行数值模拟计算 ,分析热储在不同开发利用条件下的特征 。

Construction of the conceptual model of thermal reservoir structure of the Xining basin,China.;


Using MT,seismic sounding and gravity survey,the authors made an integrated interpretation of the Cenozoic thickness in the surveyed area,inferred the character and cutting depth of the concealed fault,selected Cenozoic thermal reservoirs for the construction of geothermal wells.


The calculation of exploitable resources in the layered-geothermal reservoirs of sedimentary basin;


Based on the study of the lithologic characters、structure、heat and cover of the Deep-rock Geothermal Reservoir in Zhengzhou,we have discussed the characteristics of Geothermal reservoir in the area,and for the first time put forward the tectonic network system of fracture-cycle zoster geothermal reservoir.


Through examples of geothermal exploration,it focuses on applications of this technique to the aquiferous property evaluation of geothermal reservoirs and in guiding the drilling operations.


Through analysis and research of Handan City geotherm geological and heat reservoir conditions,expounded the economic valued Neogene System heat reservoir geothermal hosting characteristics in the area.


Its heat reservoir is composed of Yanshanian granite-porphyry and tuff of Mesozoic.

