quarter landing

  • 翻译:直角转弯梯台


1)quarter landing,直角转弯梯台2)quarter pace stair,直角转弯楼梯3)quater turn,直角转弯4)trapezoid platform with a right ang,直角梯形台5)quarter pace stair,直角楼梯台6)rectangular bend tunnel,直角转弯通道


Now, based on its result and definite integral transform methods, and extended to three dimensional space, the Poincaré inequalities on unit cube and trapezoid platform with a right angle are discussed, and the upper bound of the constants in the inequalities are obtained.

为了使 Poincaré不等式中的常数具体化 ,引入一个重要引理 ,利用其结果 ,采用定积分的有关变换方法 ,将已有结果加以推广 ,讨论了三维空间中单位正方体及直角梯形台上的 Poincaré不等式 ,给出了不等式中常数的一个上界 ,使不等式得到优
