- 缡[lí]
- 从1970年开始,她用在博得哈里欢心上的工夫超过经营房地产。哈里与结缡33年的发妻离异,1972年当利昂娜应许减肥20磅后和她结婚。
Beginning in1970, she spent more time sweeping Harry off his feet than she did in her real estate career. He divorced his wife of33 years and married Leona in1972 after she promised to lose20 pounds.
- 推 推 [tuī] -(向外用力使物体移动)push;shove: push[shove]thedooropen; 把门推开 puttheshot[weight]; 推铅球 -(磨或碾)turnamillorgrindstone;grind: grindwheat 推麦子 -(剪或削)cut;pare: planeandpolishfloor; 推光地板 haveone'sheadshaved 推个光头 -(使事情开展)pushforward;promote;advance;extend: pushaheadwithone'swork 把工作向前推一步 -(推断)
- 猷
- 蚝 蚝 [háo] -(牡蛎)oyster
- 娅
- 采 采 [cǎi] -(摘取;采集)pick;pluck;gather: collecttealeaves;picktea; 采茶 gathermulberryleaves; 采桑 -(开采)mine;extract: minecoal; 采煤 extractoil 采油 -(搜集)gather;collect: collectfolksongs; 采风 collectspecimens 采标本 -(采取;选取)adopt;select: adoptaseriesofmeasures 采取一系列措施 -(精神;神色;神态)complexion;spirit;colourandfacialexpres
- 钮 钮 [niǔ] -同“纽”[niǔ] -(姓氏)asurname: NiuTao 钮滔 -(构词成分)见“电钮”[diànniǔ]
- 簇 簇 [cù] -(聚集;簇拥)crowdtogether;formacluster;pileup: gatherround(sb.) 拥簇 -(聚集成的团或堆)cluster;bouquet;pile: bouquetsofflowersandpilesofbrocades;richmulticoloureddecorations 花团锦簇 -(用于聚集成团成堆的人或东西)cluster;bunch: agroupofpeople; 一簇人群 abunchofflowers 一簇鲜花
- 衛 衛 [wèi] -(保卫)defend;guard;protect: self-defence; 自卫 protect;defend; 保卫 -(周朝国名)Wei,astateintheZhouDynasty -(姓氏)asurname: WeiQing 卫青 -(用于地名)awordusedinplacename: Weihaiwei(inShandongProvince) 威海卫 -(驴的别名)anothernameforadonkey
- 奇 奇 [jī] -(单的;不成对的)odd(number): oddnumber 奇数 -(零数)afractionalamount(overthatmentionedinaroundnumber);oddlots: fiftyodd 五十有奇
- 痄