- liquid
- fluid
- juice
- liquor
- succus
- caustic solution
- 液[yè]
- 乾酪是固体,奶是液体。
Cheese is a solid; milk is a liquid. - 他倒了些汁液以防烤干。
He bastes juices to keep it moist during cooking. - 胃液能帮助消化。
Gastric juices help us digest our food. - 空气,无论是气态的还是液态的,都是一种流体。
Air whether in the gaseous or liquid state is a fluid. - 加入的液体太多,混合液的浓度就不够。
If you add too much liquid the mixture will not be thick enough. - 水是液体。
Water is a liquid.
- 茶 茶 [chá] -(常绿灌木,嫩叶加工后就是茶叶)teaplant -(用茶叶做成的饮料)tea: weak[strong]tea; 淡[浓]茶 black[green]tea; 红[绿]茶 -(某些饮料的名称)certainkindsofdrinkorliquidfood: seasonedmilletmush; 面茶 almondpaste 杏仁茶 -(指油茶树)tea-oiltree -(姓氏)asurname: ChaMing 茶明
- 空 空 [kōng] -(不包含什么;里面没有东西或没有内容;不切实际的)empty;hollow;void: anemptyroom; 空房间 abottleemptyofwine; 空酒瓶 -(天空)sky;air: territorialsky[air]; 领空 aclear[bright]sky; 晴空 -{佛教}emptiness;voidoftheworldofsenses: Allspace-directionsarevoid.;Everythingisemptiness. 四大皆空。 -(姓氏)asurname: KongQuan 空全 -(没有效果;白白
- 嘱 嘱 [zhǔ] -(嘱咐;嘱托)enjoin;advise;urge;entrust: urgeagainandagain 叮嘱
- 隈 隈 [wēi] -(山、水等弯曲处)riverbend;mountainrecess;cove: wallbend 城隈 -(姓氏)asurname: WeiQiang 隈强
- 癖 癖 [pǐ] -(癖好;嗜好)addiction;weaknessfor: beaddictedtodrinking 嗜酒成癖
- 陈 陈 [chén] -(安放;摆设)layout;putondisplay -(叙说)state;explain: Thematterwillbeexplainedindetailinaseparateletter. 此事当另函详陈。 -(时间久的;旧的)old;stale: oldwine; 陈年老酒 Thebreadistoostaletoeat. 面包太陈不能吃了。 -(朝代名,南朝之一)theChenDynasty(557-589),oneoftheSouthernDynasties -(周朝国名)Chen,astateintheZhouDyna
- 鼴 鼴 [yǎn] -(鼹鼠)mole: marsupialmole 袋鼹
- 生 生 [shēng] -(生育;生殖)givebirthto;bear: givebirthtoachild; 生孩子 newbornbaby; 新生儿 -(出生)beborn: Hewasbornin1950. 他生于1950年。 IfeelasifIhadbeenbornagain. 我有一种再生之感。 -(生长)grow: takeroot; 生根 sprout; 生芽 -(生存;活)live;exist: raisesb.fromthedead;bringsb.backtolife; 起死回生 Betterdiestandingthanlivekneeling. 宁愿站着死,
- 钶
- 孵 孵 [fū] -(使卵内的胚胎发育成雏鸟)brood;hatch;incubate;(ofhens,birds)sitoneggs: Don'tcountyourchickensbeforetheyarehatched. 蛋尚未孵出,勿先数鸡。