

  • hinge
  • pivot
  • hub
  • woody plants
  • woody perennials
  • center(-tre)
  • ligneous plants


  • -(门上的转轴)door-hinge:





  • 指南针用于确定地理方向的设备,通常包括一个或多个水平安装或悬挂的磁针,可在枢轴上自由活动直到与地球磁场在一条线上
    A device used to determine geographic direction, usually consisting of a magnetic needle or needles horizontally mounted or suspended and free to pivot until aligned with the magnetic field of Earth.
  • 活动防浪板帆船上一活动龙骨,可以绕枢轴扯起以减少船在浅水的吃水深度
    A movable keel in a sailboat that can be pivoted upward to reduce the boat's draft in shallow water.
  • 中心销连接马车或其它车辆的车身和它的前轴的垂直栓销,一般起枢轴作用
    A vertical bolt that joins the body of a wagon or other vehicle to its front axle and usually acts as a pivot.


  • 采 [cǎi] -(摘取;采集)pick;pluck;gather: collecttealeaves;picktea; 采茶 gathermulberryleaves; 采桑 -(开采)mine;extract: minecoal; 采煤 extractoil 采油 -(搜集)gather;collect: collectfolksongs; 采风 collectspecimens 采标本 -(采取;选取)adopt;select: adoptaseriesofmeasures 采取一系列措施 -(精神;神色;神态)complexion;spirit;colourandfacialexpres
  • 蚝 [háo] -(牡蛎)oyster
  • 推 [tuī] -(向外用力使物体移动)push;shove: push[shove]thedooropen; 把门推开 puttheshot[weight]; 推铅球 -(磨或碾)turnamillorgrindstone;grind: grindwheat 推麦子 -(剪或削)cut;pare: planeandpolishfloor; 推光地板 haveone'sheadshaved 推个光头 -(使事情开展)pushforward;promote;advance;extend: pushaheadwithone'swork 把工作向前推一步 -(推断)
  • 衛 [wèi] -(保卫)defend;guard;protect: self-defence; 自卫 protect;defend; 保卫 -(周朝国名)Wei,astateintheZhouDynasty -(姓氏)asurname: WeiQing 卫青 -(用于地名)awordusedinplacename: Weihaiwei(inShandongProvince) 威海卫 -(驴的别名)anothernameforadonkey
  • 钮 [niǔ] -同“纽”[niǔ] -(姓氏)asurname: NiuTao 钮滔 -(构词成分)见“电钮”[diànniǔ]
  • 簇 [cù] -(聚集;簇拥)crowdtogether;formacluster;pileup: gatherround(sb.) 拥簇 -(聚集成的团或堆)cluster;bouquet;pile: bouquetsofflowersandpilesofbrocades;richmulticoloureddecorations 花团锦簇 -(用于聚集成团成堆的人或东西)cluster;bunch: agroupofpeople; 一簇人群 abunchofflowers 一簇鲜花
  • 奇 [jī] -(单的;不成对的)odd(number): oddnumber 奇数 -(零数)afractionalamount(overthatmentionedinaroundnumber);oddlots: fiftyodd 五十有奇