- 他的哥哥上个月结婚了。
His elder brother got married last month. - 艾丽斯畏缩在毛毯底下躲避那个妖怪,她哥哥使她相信,如果她把鼻子伸出来,妖怪就会来捉她。
Alice had cowered under the blankets hiding from the bogey man, who, her elder brothers assured her, would come and get her if she so much as poked her nose out. - 汤姆是次子--他有一个哥哥。
Tom is the second son he has an elder brother. - 这个小男孩跑去找他的哥哥。
The little boy ran off to get his brother. - 他和他的大哥一样聪明。
He is no less clever than his elder brother.
- 茶 茶 [chá] -(常绿灌木,嫩叶加工后就是茶叶)teaplant -(用茶叶做成的饮料)tea: weak[strong]tea; 淡[浓]茶 black[green]tea; 红[绿]茶 -(某些饮料的名称)certainkindsofdrinkorliquidfood: seasonedmilletmush; 面茶 almondpaste 杏仁茶 -(指油茶树)tea-oiltree -(姓氏)asurname: ChaMing 茶明
- 鼴 鼴 [yǎn] -(鼹鼠)mole: marsupialmole 袋鼹
- 隈 隈 [wēi] -(山、水等弯曲处)riverbend;mountainrecess;cove: wallbend 城隈 -(姓氏)asurname: WeiQiang 隈强
- 癖 癖 [pǐ] -(癖好;嗜好)addiction;weaknessfor: beaddictedtodrinking 嗜酒成癖
- 空 空 [kōng] -(不包含什么;里面没有东西或没有内容;不切实际的)empty;hollow;void: anemptyroom; 空房间 abottleemptyofwine; 空酒瓶 -(天空)sky;air: territorialsky[air]; 领空 aclear[bright]sky; 晴空 -{佛教}emptiness;voidoftheworldofsenses: Allspace-directionsarevoid.;Everythingisemptiness. 四大皆空。 -(姓氏)asurname: KongQuan 空全 -(没有效果;白白
- 孵 孵 [fū] -(使卵内的胚胎发育成雏鸟)brood;hatch;incubate;(ofhens,birds)sitoneggs: Don'tcountyourchickensbeforetheyarehatched. 蛋尚未孵出,勿先数鸡。
- 生 生 [shēng] -(生育;生殖)givebirthto;bear: givebirthtoachild; 生孩子 newbornbaby; 新生儿 -(出生)beborn: Hewasbornin1950. 他生于1950年。 IfeelasifIhadbeenbornagain. 我有一种再生之感。 -(生长)grow: takeroot; 生根 sprout; 生芽 -(生存;活)live;exist: raisesb.fromthedead;bringsb.backtolife; 起死回生 Betterdiestandingthanlivekneeling. 宁愿站着死,
- 钶
- 陈 陈 [chén] -(安放;摆设)layout;putondisplay -(叙说)state;explain: Thematterwillbeexplainedindetailinaseparateletter. 此事当另函详陈。 -(时间久的;旧的)old;stale: oldwine; 陈年老酒 Thebreadistoostaletoeat. 面包太陈不能吃了。 -(朝代名,南朝之一)theChenDynasty(557-589),oneoftheSouthernDynasties -(周朝国名)Chen,astateintheZhouDyna
- 嘱 嘱 [zhǔ] -(嘱咐;嘱托)enjoin;advise;urge;entrust: urgeagainandagain 叮嘱