
magnetic mass spectrometer

magnetic mass spectrometer

  • 翻译:磁质谱仪


1)magnetic mass spectrometer,磁质谱仪2)Paramagnetism,顺磁质3)paramagnet,顺磁质4)diamagnetic body,抗磁质5)ferromagnetic material,铁磁质6)electromagnetic mass,电磁质量


The results revealed that YbBi 2 can′t become superconductor above 2K, and YbBi 2 is paramagnetism above 1.

5 K以上 Yb Bi2 单晶是一种顺磁质 ;它在 5 5 K左右发生了明显的相

The behaviour of superfine field is similar to that of ideal paramagnetic model.


According to Langevin model and classical electron theory, by using the statistical method, this article illustrates the magnetic process of diamagneti c body and paramagnet and works out the relevant magnetic susceptibility.

抗磁质和顺磁质虽然都是弱磁质 ,但两者在磁化的物理机制上有着本质的不同 。

Both diamagnetic body and papamagnet are we ak magnet ic bodies,but they have the essential differences in the magnetized physics mec hanism.

抗磁质和顺磁质虽然都是弱磁质 ,但两者在磁化的物理机制上有着本质的不同 。

The design idea on the automatically recognizing the difference of the complicated shape of ferromagnetic material (such as lathe tools) is given in this paper.

实践表明 ,这种鉴别方法速度快、可应用于铁磁质物体复杂形状的鉴

The electromagnetic mass is another effect of the time rate of change of radiant reacting force.

