
identical period,identity period

identical period,identity period

  • 翻译:等同周期


1)identical period,identity period,等同周期2)fiber period,纤维(轴向)等同周期3)Solidarity,等同4)equivalence,等同5)equality,等同6)case by case,实质等同


Interpretation of Power and Solidarity from the Perspective of Interpersonal Function;


Sociolinguists regard the speech between the addresser and the addressee as the social acts and take for granted that speech could reflect the social relationship between the speakers, especially the power and solidarity.


Power and Solidarity:On the Address Forms in Blackmail;


To ensure the accuracy in translation,every translator is supposed to make every endeavour to realize semantic and pragmatic equivalence.

在翻译中 ,译者不仅要有“语义意识” ,还要有“功能意识” ,力争做到译文与原文的意义等值、功能等同 ,才能确保译文的准确性。

There are four equal comparative relations among those "equal comparison sentences" from Han to Qing dynasty,figure,analogy,contrast and equality,and there are of different varieties and features structures.

汉至清含“比”的平比句主要表示比喻、比拟、比照、等同等平比关系 ,各有其丰富的结构方式及其特点 ,据此可确定“比”为等比动词。

According to the rule of “substantial equivalence”, an effective evaluation and inspection of the technology of GM food in a “case by case” manner should be take.

转基因食品的生产前景广阔 ,发展转基因食品是我国农业战略需要 ,应正确评估转基因食品的安全性 ,根据“实质等同”的原则 ,对不同转基因食品实施“个案分析” ,对转基因技术和食品进行有效评估和监控 ,促进我国转基因技术和转基因食品生产的健康快速发
