ozone layer loss

  • 翻译:臭氧层损耗 OLL


1)ozone layer loss,臭氧层损耗 OLL2)stratospheric ozone depletion,臭氧层损耗3)ozone layer depletion,臭氧层耗损4)ozone depleting substances (ODS),臭氧层损耗物质5)ozone-layer depleting substances,损耗臭氧层物质6)stratospheric ozone loss,平流层臭氧损耗


Latest researches regarding the impacts of stratospheric ozone depletion on tropospheric air quality and show that enhanced photochemical processes could be observed in relatively clean regions but the impacts are often shadowed by anthropogenic emissions and other factors in contaminated regions and the final impacts are highly correlated with many interactions.

近年来有关平流层臭氧损耗影响低层大气质量的研究表明 ,在污染相对轻的地方 ,可以观测到加强的光化学反应过程 ;在污染地区 ,最终的影响与大气中存在的痕量物质间的相互作用有很大关系 ,这些通常会被人为排放带来的影响所掩盖 ;越来越多的证据表明 ,臭氧层损耗与气候变化之间的相互作用是至关重要的涉及全球变化的问题 ,是今后活跃的科学研究领域。

This paper analyzes the property of a few substitute refrigerant in central air conditioning system basedon the ozone layer depletion and the impact of global warming on the global climate, and discusses how to choosesubstitute refrigerant for the practical application.

