- defense
- to defend
- defensive
- buckler
- muniment
- keep
- rampart
- peotect
- defend
- defence
- defend against
- defend from
- protect
- protection
- 防卫[fángwèi]
- 对方防卫力量很强。
The opposition have a strong defence. - 有效的防卫是不待对方导弹击中我们而先行将其拦截。
Effective defence is a matter of intercepting their missiles before they can reach us. - 一旦迈克采取了防卫态度,就很难使他相信没有什么可怕的。
Once Mike's taken up a defensive attitude, it's difficult to persuade him that's nothing to be afraid of. - 移情作用;情感转移一种防卫机制,情感、影响、愿望从原始目标潜意识地转移到一个立即或更可接受的替代对象
A defense mechanism in which there is an unconscious shift of emotions, affect, or desires from the original object to a more acceptable or immediate substitute. - 有些运动员较擅长打防卫。
Some players are better at defending. - 那个警察出于自卫枪击罪犯是正当防卫。
The policeman was justified in shooting the criminal in self-defence.
- 计议 计议 [jìyì] -deliberate;talkover;consult: takeone'stimeincomingtoadecision;thinksth.overcarefully;givethematterfurtherconsiderationanddiscussitlater; 从长计议 Thetwoofthemsettledonascheme. 二人计议已定。
- 屐 屐 [jī] -(木头鞋)clogs: clogs;woodenshoes 木屐 -(泛指鞋)shoesingeneral: strawsandals 草屐
- 膀子 膀子 [bǎngzi] -(胳膊)upperarm;arm: strippedtothewaist 光着膀子 短语 (翅膀) wing:
- 故 故 [gù] -(事故)event;incident;happening;accident: unforeseenevent;misfortune 变故 -(原因)cause;reason: notknowwhy; 不知何故 makeanexcuseandleave; 托故离开 -(朋友;友情)friend;acquaintance: neitherrelativenorfriend;aperfectstranger; 非亲非故 havetiesofkinshiporfriendship 沾亲带故 -(特指祭祀之类的事)serviceofofferingsacrifices -(指旧的、过去的
- 身躯 身躯 [shēnqū] -body;stature;bulk: tallofstature; 身躯高大 asoundbody; 健壮的身躯
- 县城 县城 [xiànchéng] -countyseat;countytown
- 愚蠢 愚蠢 [yúchǔn] -stupid;foolish;silly: Betterawittyfoolmanthanafoolishwit. 宁做聪明的傻子,不做愚蠢的聪明人。
- 冷却器 冷却器 [lěngquèqì] -{化工}chiller;congealer;cooler;coolerbody;coolingunit 短语 冷却器钉 {设计}coolernail 冷却器洗涤剂 radiatorcleaner
- 遮 遮 [zhē] -(使不显露)cover;hidefromview;screen: coverover; 遮盖 shadethewindowwithcurtains; 用帘子遮窗 -(拦住)block;obstruct;impede: stopacarfromproceeding; 遮车 keepoutrain; 遮雨 -(掩盖)conceal: can'tconcealsth.fromsb.; 遮瞒不住 coverupfromthepublic 遮人耳目
- 呱呱叫 呱呱叫 [guāguājiào] -(形容极好)Thumbsup!;Great!;Terrific!;Superb!;Gorgeous!;tiptop;top-notch;first-rate;excellent;A1;number1;Aone