- Turkey
- TR
- Republic of Turkey
- 如果巴称干大战爆发,土耳其 ... 可能觉得不得不为了阿尔巴尼亚穆斯林而介入。如果土耳其人参战,那么俄国民族主义者公开支持塞尔维亚人是可以想象得到的。
If a general Balkan war breaks out, Turkey ... might feel compelled to intervene on behalf of the Albanian Muslims. And if the Turks jump in, conceivably Russian nationalists could then openly throw their weight behind the Serbs. - 凡湖土耳其东部咸水湖。是全国最大的湖泊,且是内陆湖
A salt lake of eastern Turkey. The largest lake in the country, it has no known outlet. - 阿尔申早期用于俄国及土耳其的长度单位,约等于71厘米(28英寸)
A unit of length formerly used in Russia and Turkey, equal to about71 centimeters(28 inches). - 30年来,在土耳其不同时期的大多数重大变革问题上,他确实发表过不少意见,或是赞同,或是反对。
He has indeed at one or another time argued both for and against most of the big changes in Turkey over the past thirty years.
- 屐 屐 [jī] -(木头鞋)clogs: clogs;woodenshoes 木屐 -(泛指鞋)shoesingeneral: strawsandals 草屐
- 冷却器 冷却器 [lěngquèqì] -{化工}chiller;congealer;cooler;coolerbody;coolingunit 短语 冷却器钉 {设计}coolernail 冷却器洗涤剂 radiatorcleaner
- 计议 计议 [jìyì] -deliberate;talkover;consult: takeone'stimeincomingtoadecision;thinksth.overcarefully;givethematterfurtherconsiderationanddiscussitlater; 从长计议 Thetwoofthemsettledonascheme. 二人计议已定。
- 遮 遮 [zhē] -(使不显露)cover;hidefromview;screen: coverover; 遮盖 shadethewindowwithcurtains; 用帘子遮窗 -(拦住)block;obstruct;impede: stopacarfromproceeding; 遮车 keepoutrain; 遮雨 -(掩盖)conceal: can'tconcealsth.fromsb.; 遮瞒不住 coverupfromthepublic 遮人耳目
- 县城 县城 [xiànchéng] -countyseat;countytown
- 愚蠢 愚蠢 [yúchǔn] -stupid;foolish;silly: Betterawittyfoolmanthanafoolishwit. 宁做聪明的傻子,不做愚蠢的聪明人。
- 呱呱叫 呱呱叫 [guāguājiào] -(形容极好)Thumbsup!;Great!;Terrific!;Superb!;Gorgeous!;tiptop;top-notch;first-rate;excellent;A1;number1;Aone
- 膀子 膀子 [bǎngzi] -(胳膊)upperarm;arm: strippedtothewaist 光着膀子 短语 (翅膀) wing:
- 身躯 身躯 [shēnqū] -body;stature;bulk: tallofstature; 身躯高大 asoundbody; 健壮的身躯
- 故 故 [gù] -(事故)event;incident;happening;accident: unforeseenevent;misfortune 变故 -(原因)cause;reason: notknowwhy; 不知何故 makeanexcuseandleave; 托故离开 -(朋友;友情)friend;acquaintance: neitherrelativenorfriend;aperfectstranger; 非亲非故 havetiesofkinshiporfriendship 沾亲带故 -(特指祭祀之类的事)serviceofofferingsacrifices -(指旧的、过去的