

  • advocate
  • initiate
  • propose
  • be a proponent of (an idea or school of thought)
  • lead the dance
  • raise the standard
  • sparkplug
  • spark plug


  • -initiate;propose:


  • 短语


  • 他曾是新文化的倡导者之一。
    He was one of the apostles of the new culture.
  • 促进者促进的人,尤指活跃的支持者或倡导者
    One that promotes, especially an active supporter or advocate.
  • 害怕知识分子被看作理智的倡导者,这是知识分子对知识和道德价值的最终贬低。在炮火袭击下畏缩尚可理解,而面对一个需要教导(也可从中学习)的世界却当懦夫则是卑鄙的。
    The fear of intellectuals to be seen as advocates of reason is the final treason of the clerks. To be cowardly under fire is understandable, but to cower when there is a world to be taught(and to learn from) is contemptible.
  • 提倡者辩论支持某事的人;倡导者
    One who argues in support of something; an advocate.
  • 宣传活动对一个学说、事业或信息的系统宣传,其反映倡导该学说或该事业的人的观点和利益
    The systematic propagation of a doctrine or cause or of information reflecting the views and interests of those people advocating such a doctrine or cause.


  • 身躯 身躯 [shēnqū] -body;stature;bulk: tallofstature; 身躯高大 asoundbody; 健壮的身躯
  • 膀子 膀子 [bǎngzi] -(胳膊)upperarm;arm: strippedtothewaist 光着膀子 短语 (翅膀) wing:
  • 呱呱叫 呱呱叫 [guāguājiào] -(形容极好)Thumbsup!;Great!;Terrific!;Superb!;Gorgeous!;tiptop;top-notch;first-rate;excellent;A1;number1;Aone
  • 计议 计议 [jìyì] -deliberate;talkover;consult: takeone'stimeincomingtoadecision;thinksth.overcarefully;givethematterfurtherconsiderationanddiscussitlater; 从长计议 Thetwoofthemsettledonascheme. 二人计议已定。
  • 愚蠢 愚蠢 [yúchǔn] -stupid;foolish;silly: Betterawittyfoolmanthanafoolishwit. 宁做聪明的傻子,不做愚蠢的聪明人。
  • 屐 [jī] -(木头鞋)clogs: clogs;woodenshoes 木屐 -(泛指鞋)shoesingeneral: strawsandals 草屐
  • 冷却器 冷却器 [lěngquèqì] -{化工}chiller;congealer;cooler;coolerbody;coolingunit 短语 冷却器钉 {设计}coolernail 冷却器洗涤剂 radiatorcleaner
  • 县城 县城 [xiànchéng] -countyseat;countytown
  • 遮 [zhē] -(使不显露)cover;hidefromview;screen: coverover; 遮盖 shadethewindowwithcurtains; 用帘子遮窗 -(拦住)block;obstruct;impede: stopacarfromproceeding; 遮车 keepoutrain; 遮雨 -(掩盖)conceal: can'tconcealsth.fromsb.; 遮瞒不住 coverupfromthepublic 遮人耳目
  • 故 [gù] -(事故)event;incident;happening;accident: unforeseenevent;misfortune 变故 -(原因)cause;reason: notknowwhy; 不知何故 makeanexcuseandleave; 托故离开 -(朋友;友情)friend;acquaintance: neitherrelativenorfriend;aperfectstranger; 非亲非故 havetiesofkinshiporfriendship 沾亲带故 -(特指祭祀之类的事)serviceofofferingsacrifices -(指旧的、过去的