
maximum distance between centers

maximum distance between centers

  • 翻译:最大中心距


1)maximum distance between centers,最大中心距2)maximum eccentricity,最大偏心距3)minimum centers-distance,最小中心距4)optimum center and center distance,最佳中心距5)closeness centrality,最近距离中心6)longest transmission distance without relay,最大无中继距离


Starting from the analogous -velocity chart of the oscillating follower plate earn mechanism, it puts forward a clear, audio -visual discription for the existing of optimum center and center distance, as well as its solving algorithm.


The node s centrality degree can be explained through the angels of degree centrality,closeness centrality and betweens centrality.


This paper describes the effects of the chromatic dispersion,the working wavelength and the initial pulse width to the design of the longest transmission distance without relay in the soliton system based on the fiber loss.

主要研究了在有损耗的情况下 ,光孤子系统中的光纤色散、工作波长和初始脉冲的脉宽对设计系统最大无中继距离的影响 研究发现 当系统中的光纤色散在某些范围内 ,最大无中继距离随色散的减小而突然减小 ,故应尽量避免选择那些使得最大无中继距离突然骤减的色散值 ;在DWDM系统中要慎重地选择待复用的波长范围 ,因为在某些波长范围里各个波长对应的最大无中继距离相差悬殊 ,这势必会对系统的性能有所影响 尽管系统的最大无中继距离随输入脉冲的脉宽的增大而增大 ,但由于系统的容量并无明显改善 ,故依靠增大脉宽来增大系统的最大无中继距离并无多大实际意
