
most favoured nation

most favoured nation

  • 翻译:最惠国


1)most favoured nation,最惠国2)MFN treatment,最惠国待遇3)most-favored-nation treatment,最惠国待遇4)MFN,最惠国待遇5)MFN Exemptions,最惠国豁免6)Most Favored Nation Treatment,最惠国待遇


Analysis of effect scope application of MFN Treatment in TRIPS Agreement;


The issue of like product in MFN plays a key role in defining MFN treatment.


On the Complementarities of the Principles of Most-Favored-Nation Treatment and Reciprocity;


Non-discrimination treatment includes national treatment and most-favored-nation treatment.


This article proceeds with research of the international financial service trade barrier, has described the frame of law of WTO s financial service trade ,have explained the basic law principle of WTO s financial service trade especially, have studied the principle of national treatment, the market access and most-favored-nation treatment principle of GATS especially a-mong the


During Clinton administration, MFN issue and the passed PNTR bill are the most important things to be concerned in which many interest groups are involved.


Entering WTO gives China opportunity to obtain the Most Favored Nation Treatment(MFN),but at the same time,China has to fulfill the obligation by cutting down the tariff and non tariff barriers and expanding the access to market.

加入 WTO,意味着我国享受最惠国待遇等权利的同时 ,要履行削减关税和非关税贸易壁垒 ,提高市场准入程度等义务 ,标志着国内市场的进一步开放 ,既是机遇又是挑战。
