
nickel-plated iron electrode

nickel-plated iron electrode

  • 翻译:镀镍铁电极


1)nickel-plated iron electrode,镀镍铁电极2)platinized nickel electrode,镀镍电极3)nickel-iron alloys plating,电镀镍铁合金4)zinc-nickel-iron alloy(electro)plating,电镀锌镍铁合金5)electroless plated nickel electrode,化学镀镍电极6)zinc-plated foam nickel electrode,泡沫镍镀锌电极


Effects of complexing agents concentration, pH value, plating temperature and time on electroless plated nickel electrodes of BaTiO 3 based ceramics are researched by orthogonal test,through which the optimum technology for making nickel electrodes of high properties is acquired.

采用正交试验法研究了络合剂浓度、镀液 pH值、施镀温度与时间对BaTiO3 陶瓷PTCR元件化学镀镍电极的影响 ,得到制备化学镀镍电极的最优工艺条件。

Electrochemical performance of zinc-plated foam nickel electrode in alkaline solution (KOH) was stu-died by grazing ellipsometry and cyclic voltammetry.

结果表明 :掠射椭偏术用于此类多孔电极体系的研究可以弥补反射式椭圆偏振技术的不足 ,显示出掠射式表面测试技术独特的优点 ;再者由于所研究的泡沫镍镀锌电极除具有较高的孔隙率和比表面外 ,还具有适当的活性 ,在电池充放电期间 ,负极上的锌能够得到充分的利用。
