- zoo

- zoo: [19] Greek zóion meant ‘animal’ (it came from the Indo-European base *gwei-, which also lies behind English biology, quick, and vital). From it was formed modern Latin zōologia ‘study of animals’, which English adapted as zoology [17]. Zoological was derived from this in the 19th century, and when the Zoological Society of London opened their exhibition of live wild animals in Regent’s Park in 1829, they called it the Zoological Gardens. This was soon abbreviated to ‘the Zoological’, and by the mid 1840s it had shrunk further to zoo.
=> biology, quick, vital - zoo (n.)

- c. 1847, short for Zoological Gardens of the London Zoological Society, established 1828 in Regent's Park to house the society's collection of wild animals. The first three letters taken as one syllable. "From a mere vulgarism, this corruption has passed into wide colloquial use" [Century Dictionary]. Slang meaning "crowded and chaotic place" first recorded 1935.
来自zoological gardens的缩写。
该词的英语词源请访问找单词词源英文版:zoo 词源,zoo 含义。
zoo乃zoological garden之缩略,但其终极词源则为希腊语zoiow‘animal’(动物)。1829年伦敦动物协会(the Zoological Society of London) 在里真茨公园(Regent's Park)的北侧展出野生动物,并将此地称作the Zoological Gardens,不久又简称之为the Zoological,到了1840年以后进而缩略为 zoo。19世纪60年代伦敦杂耍剧场演唱过一首名为“Walking in the Zoo is the OK thing to do”的歌曲 。据认为,这首歌对zoo这一缩略形式的普及是起了作用的。
来自 zoological gardens 的缩写。