- zombie

- zombie: [19] Zombie was originally the name of a snake-god in the voodoo cult of West Africa, and later of the Caribbean, and it comes from a West African language (it is related to Kongo nzambi ‘god’ and zumbi ‘fetish’). It was later applied to a reanimated corpse in the voodoo cult, and a ghoulish sense of humour transferred the English word in the 1930s to a ‘catatonically slow-witted person’.
- zombie (n.)

- 1871, of West African origin (compare Kikongo zumbi "fetish;" Kimbundu nzambi "god"), originally the name of a snake god, later with meaning "reanimated corpse" in voodoo cult. But perhaps also from Louisiana creole word meaning "phantom, ghost," from Spanish sombra "shade, ghost." Sense "slow-witted person" is recorded from 1936.
该词的英语词源请访问找单词词源英文版:zombie 词源,zombie 含义。
该词源自刚果语zumbi 'good-luck fetish',原指西非崇拜的蟒神(python-god),以后随非洲黑奴移植到西印度群岛和美国南部,转指伏都教(voodoo)崇拜的蛇神,也指使尸体起死回生的魔力。以后“还魂尸”(即被巫术驱动的“行尸”或“僵尸”)也被称为zombie,特别是在伏都教习俗盛行的海地。20世纪30至40年代出现了一些以zombie为主题的恐怖电影,影片中的zombie在巫术的控制下,既像是梦游又像是着魔的样子,机器人般地走出来干坏事。今天,在英语口语中,该词常用以喻指“木讷呆板的人”或“(因极度疲劳而)行动迟缓的人”。