- yes

- yes: [OE] Yes is descended from Old English gese. It is thought that this was a compound formed from gēa ‘yes’ (ancestor of archaic English yea and related to German and Dutch ja ‘yes’) and sīe, the third-person present singular subjunctive of be, and that it therefore originally meant literally ‘yes, may it be so’. It was at first used as a response to negative questions, while yea was used for positive questions, but around the end of the 16th century this distinction began to disappear, and yea has since died out.
=> yea - yes (adv.)

- Old English gise, gese "so be it!," probably from gea, ge "so" (see yea) + si "be it!," third person imperative of beon "to be" (see be). Originally stronger than simple yea. Used in Shakespeare mainly as an answer to negative questions. As a noun from 1712. Yes-man is first recorded 1912, American English.
该词的英语词源请访问找单词词源英文版:yes 词源,yes 含义。
yes源于古英语gese,而gese则是gēa(yea的原型,与德语、荷兰语的ja 'yes'有亲缘关系)和sīe(动词be的现在时第三人称单数虚拟式)两者合成的复合词,故其字面义原为“Yes, may it be so.”yes起初用作对否定句的回答,而yea则用以回应肯定句。但约在16世纪末这一区别开始消失,yea的这一用法也从此被废弃,在现代英语中yea一词只作名词用,指“赞成票”,和nay(反对票)相对应。
英语另有一词yeah和yes虽为同义词,但仅在口语中使用。yeah可能源自德语、荷兰语的ja 'yes',与yea有亲缘关系。
来自古英语 gese,就是这样,来自 ge-,是,词源同 yea,se-,如此,词源同 so.