- soothe (v.)

- Old English soðian "show to be true," from soð "true" (see sooth). Sense of "quiet, comfort, mollify" is first recorded 1690s, via notion of "to assuage one by asserting that what he says is true" (i.e. to be a yes-man), a sense attested from 1560s (and compare Old English gesoð "a parasite, flatterer"). Meaning "reduce the intensity" (of a pain, etc.) is from 1711. Related: Soothed; soothing.
- yes (adv.)

- Old English gise, gese "so be it!," probably from gea, ge "so" (see yea) + si "be it!," third person imperative of beon "to be" (see be). Originally stronger than simple yea. Used in Shakespeare mainly as an answer to negative questions. As a noun from 1712. Yes-man is first recorded 1912, American English.
该词的英语词源请访问找单词词源英文版:yes-man 词源,yes-man 含义。
像hot dog(热狗)一样,据说这也是美国著名漫画家多甘(T. A. Dorgan, 1877-1929)创造的一个词。yes-man首次见于他1913年画的一幅名为“Giving the First Edition the Once Over”的漫画,上面画着一位报纸编辑和他的几位助手在查看刚印好的报纸,每位助手对该版报纸都赞不绝口,每位助手都被标以yes-man这一称号。嗣后,yes-man被用以指好莱坞的助理导演,因为他们在上司面前不敢说一个“不”字。
1929年出版了一本书,书名就叫Yes-Man's Land。开初,yes-man仅用作俚语,以后升级为口语,而且常被连写为yesman。该词总是用于贬义,意指“唯唯诺诺的人”或“应声虫”。另有一种说法认为,yes-man可能直接译自德语Jaherr(相当于英语Yes,sir),1877年一位德国作家在描写美国时用了这个词。不论是哪种情况,无疑是漫画家多甘使yes-man一词得以推广使用的。