- ye (pron.)

- Old English ge, nominative plural of 2nd person pronoun þu (see thou); cognate with Old Frisian ji, Old Saxon gi, Middle Dutch ghi, Dutch gij. Cognate with Lithuanian jus, Sanskrit yuyam, Avestan yuzem, Greek hymeis.
Altered, by influence of we, from an earlier form that was similar to Gothic jus "you (plural)" (see you). The -r- in Old Norse er, German ihr probably is likewise from influence of their respective 1st person plural pronouns (Old Norse ver, German wir). - ye (article)

- old or quaintly archaic way of writing the, in which the -y- is a 16c. graphic alteration of þ, an Old English character (generally called "thorn," originally a Germanic rune; see th-) that represented the -th- sound (as at the beginning of thorn). The characters for -y- and -þ- so closely resembled each other in Old English and early Middle English handwriting that a dot had to be added to the -y- to keep them distinct. In late 15c., early printers in English, whose types were founded on the continent, did not have a þ in their sets, so they substituted y as the letter that looked most like it when setting type. But in such usages it was not meant to be pronounced with any of the sounds associated with -y-, but still as "-th-." Ye for the (and yt for that) continued in manuscripts through 18c. Revived 19c. as a deliberate antiquarianism; the Ye Olde _____ construction was being mocked by 1896.
该词的英语词源请访问找单词词源英文版:ye 词源,ye 含义。
代词ye在古英语中原词形为gē(g读如/y/)。在古英语和中古英语的早期,该代词一直用作第二人称复数代词(即“你们”)的主格,而you的前身ēow则用作其宾格和与格(dative case),即动词和介词的宾语。到13世纪末,ye也开始用作第二人称单数代词(即“你”)的主格。ye的这两种用法至今仍见于英诗或方言。到15世纪you也开始取得主格地位,并逐渐取代第二人称单数代词thou,成为一般的人称代词。到16世纪中期ye和you之间的区别逐渐消失,两者可以互换。但在17世纪时ye更常用于宾位(object positions)。到了18世纪you完全取代了ye,具有一般第二人称代词的所有功能,而ye则仅限用于高雅的书面语。
来自 PIE*yu,二人称复数,词源同 you,大部分情况下已被 you 取代。