- yacht

- yacht: [16] A yacht is etymologically a boat for ‘chasing’ others. The word was borrowed from early modern Dutch jaghte. This was short for jaghtschip, literally ‘chase ship’, a compound noun formed from jaght, a derivative of the verb jagen ‘hunt, chase’, and schip ‘ship’. The Dutch word (whose present-day form is jacht) has been borrowed into many other European languages, including French and German jacht and Russian jakhta.
- yacht (n.)

- 1550s, yeaghe "a light, fast-sailing ship," from Norwegian jaght or early Dutch jaght, both from Middle Low German jacht, shortened form of jachtschip "fast pirate ship," literally "ship for chasing," from jacht "chase," from jagen "to chase, hunt," from Old High German jagon, from Proto-Germanic *yago-, from PIE root *yek- (2) "to hunt" (cognates: Hittite ekt- "hunting net"). Related: Yachting; yachtsman.
该词的英语词源请访问找单词词源英文版:yacht 词源,yacht 含义。
和英语中许多航海词语(如skipper, deck)一样,yacht一词也是来自荷兰语。16世纪时荷兰人造了一种名叫jaghtschip的船,按字面义是chase ship或hunting ship(追击艇)的意思。这种船速度快,用以在沿海一带追踪缉捕海盗和走私者。以后jaghtschip缩略为jaght,最后演变为jacht。
yacht始见于英国作家伊夫林(John Evelyn, 1620-1706)所写《日记》(Diary)。他在1661年10月1日的日记中记述了他曾陪同查理二世乘游艇出游:“I sailed this morning with his Majesty in one of his yachts (or pleasure boats), vessels not known among us till the Dutch East India Company presented this curious piece to the king.”到了19世纪,英国和美国沿海各地都纷纷成立快艇俱乐部(yacht clubs)。yacht一词还进入了其他欧洲语言之中,如法语yacht,德语Yacht,西班牙语yate等。
来自德语 jagen,追逐,原指一种轻快的海盗船,现用于指游艇。