- xenon

- xenon: [19] Xenon is etymologically the ‘strange’ gas. It was named in 1898 by its discoverer, the British chemist Sir William Ramsay. He adapted the term from the neuter form of Greek xénos ‘strange’, which may be a distant relative of English guest, hospital, host, etc, and is also the source of English xenophobia ‘fear of foreigners’ [19].
=> guest, hospital, host, xenophobia - xenon (n.)

- gaseous element, 1898, from Greek xenon, neuter of xenos "foreign, strange" (see xeno-); coined by its co-discoverer, Scottish chemist Sir William Ramsay (1852-1916); compare krypton.
来自希腊语xenos,客人,陌生人,其发现者苏格兰化学家William Ramsay因这种元素发现困难而命名。比较krypton,dysprosium.
该词的英语词源请访问找单词词源英文版:xenon 词源,xenon 含义。
氙是普通人不太熟悉的气体,无色,无臭,无味。它是1898年英国化学家拉姆齐(Sir William Ramsay, 1852-1916)发现的,他在重新分馏六个星期前所发现的稀有气体氦时分离制得氙。他取希腊语xénos 'strange, stranger'(陌生的,陌生人)的中性形式,将它命名为xenon,这是因为该气体极为稀少,且化学性质不活泼的缘故。
来自希腊语 xenos,客人,陌生人,其发现者苏格兰化学家 William Ramsay 因这种元素发现困 难而命名。比较 krypton,dysprosium.