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- fog

- fog: [16] The word fog is something of a mystery. It first appears in the 14th century meaning ‘long grass’, a use which persists in Yorkshire fog, the name of a species of grass. This may be of Scandinavian origin. The relationship, if any, between fog ‘grass’ and fog ‘mist’ is not immediately clear, but it has been speculated that the adjective foggy, which to begin with referred to places overgrown with long grass, and then passed via ‘of grassy wetlands’ to ‘boggy, marshy’ may have given rise via this last sense to a noun fog denoting the misty exhalations from such marshy ground.
A rather far-fetched semantic chain, perhaps, lacking documentary evidence at crucial points, and perhaps Danish fog ‘spray, shower’ may be closer to the real source.
1968年美国电影协会开始把影片分成从G到X等几种等级,以供观众进行选择。G代表general,意即“各种年龄的一般观众都可以观看的”,而X则表示restricted,意即“限制性的”、“17岁以下的儿童不许观看的”。x-rated 一词的字面义是“X级的”、“限制性的”,实际上表示“色情的”、“暴力的”,现在不仅指影片,也可指书籍。
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