- worship

- worship: [OE] Worship began life as a compound noun meaning virtually ‘worthiness’. It was formed from the adjective worth and the noun suffix -ship ‘state, condition’, and at first was used for ‘distinction, credit, dignity’. This soon passed into ‘respect, reverence’, but it was not used in specifically religious contexts until the 13th century. The verb dates from the 12th century.
=> worth - worship (n.)

- Old English worðscip, wurðscip (Anglian), weorðscipe (West Saxon) "condition of being worthy, dignity, glory, distinction, honor, renown," from weorð "worthy" (see worth) + -scipe (see -ship). Sense of "reverence paid to a supernatural or pine being" is first recorded c. 1300. The original sense is preserved in the title worshipful "honorable" (c. 1300).
- worship (v.)

- c. 1200, from worship (n.). Related: Worshipped; worshipping.
该词的英语词源请访问找单词词源英文版:worship 词源,worship 含义。
缩写自古英语 worthscip,高贵,荣耀,名声,来自 worth,价值,力量,-scip,词源同-ship,抽象 名词后缀。后引申词义对神灵或超自然现象的尊敬,崇拜。