- wiseacre

- wiseacre: [16] Wiseacre has no etymological connection with acres. The word’s ancestral meaning is ‘person who sees or knows things, prophet’. It was borrowed from Middle Dutch wijsseggher, which denoted ‘soothsayer’ (with no derogatory connotations). And this in turn came from Old High German wīssago, an alteration (due to the similarity of wīs ‘wise’ and sagen ‘say’) of wīzago ‘prophet’, which was derived from the prehistoric Germanic base *wīt- ‘know’ (source of English wise and wit).
- wiseacre (n.)

- 1590s, partial translation of Middle Dutch wijssegger "soothsayer" (with no derogatory connotation), probably altered by association with Middle Dutch segger "sayer" from Old High German wizzago "prophet," from wizzan "to know," from Proto-Germanic *wit- "to know" (see wit (v.)). The deprecatory sense of "one who pretends to know everything" may have come through confusion with obsolete English segger "sayer," which also had a sense of "braggart" (mid-15c.).
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一位拥有大片土地的乡绅在舰队街(Fleet Street)魔鬼酒店(the Devil Tavern)当着英国剧作家、诗人、评论家琼森(Ben Jonson, 1572-1637)的面夸耀自己的地产。琼森打趣地说,“What care we for your dirt and clods? Where you have an acre of land, I have ten acres of wit.”(谁稀罕你那些泥块土垒?你有一英亩地,我就有十英亩才智。)“Good, Mr Wiseacre,”(说得好,Wiseacre先生)那位绅士说道。