- win

- win: [OE] Win probably goes back ultimately to the Indo-European base *van- ‘overcome, conquer’, which also produced Sanskrit van- ‘gain, acquire’. Its Germanic relatives include German gewinnen ‘gain’ and Swedish vinna ‘win’.
- win (v.)

- "be victorious," c. 1300 fusion of Old English winnan "to labor, toil, struggle for, work at, strive, fight," and gewinnan "to gain or succeed by struggling, conquer, obtain," both from Proto-Germanic *winn(w)an "to seek to gain" (cognates: Old Saxon winnan, Old Norse vinna, Old Frisian winna, Dutch winnen "to gain, win," Danish vinde "to win," Old High German winnan "to strive, struggle, fight," German gewinnen "to gain, win," Gothic gawinnen "to suffer, toil"), from PIE *wen- (1) "desire, strive for" (source of wish; see Venus).
Related: Won; winning. Meaning "gain the affection or esteem of" is from c. 1600. Breadwinner preserves the sense of "toil" in Old English winnan. Phrase you can't win them all (1954) first attested in Raymond Chandler. Winningest is attested by 1804. - win (n.)

- Old English winn "labor, toil; strife, conflict; profit, gain," from the source of win (v.). Modern sense of "a victory in a game or contest" is first attested 1862, from the verb.
该词的英语词源请访问找单词词源英文版:win 词源,win 含义。
来自 PIE*wen,努力,奋斗,争取,词源同 Venus,virile.其原义为劳作,斗争,见 breadwinner, 后引申词义赢,战胜,并成为其主要词义。