- wimp

- wimp: [20] The first record of the word wimp ‘feeble ineffectual person’ is from as long ago as 1920, but it was not used at all widely until the early 1960s. Its origins have never been satisfactorily explained. It is tempting to link it with J. Wellington Wimpy, a curious little man with a moustache who featured in the Popeye cartoons, but he was not around in the 1920s.
Nor is it altogether plausible that it came from American slang gimp ‘lame or handicapped person’. Perhaps the least unlikely suggestion is that it is short for whimper. No connection with the now obsolete slang wimp ‘woman’ [20] (perhaps an alteration of women) has ever been demonstrated. In the 1980s WIMP was used as an acronym for ‘weakly interacting massive particle’ and for ‘widows/icon/mouse/pointer’, a computer term.
- wimp (n.)

- 1920 (but not attested again until 1960), perhaps a clipped form of whimper (cf whimp, 1540s), perhaps influenced by J. Wellington Wimpy, comparatively unaggressive character in "Popeye" comics.
- wimp (v.)

- 1986, with out (adv.), from wimp (n.). Related: Wimped; wimping.
该词的英语词源请访问找单词词源英文版:wimp 词源,wimp 含义。
这是个口头用语,20世纪70年代始用于美国,起初在学生中流行,以后又传至英国。关于其由来,有两种说法:其一,wimp乃whimper(抽泣,呜咽)或whimperer(抽泣者)之缩略,性格懦弱的人或没有骨气的人往往因疼痛或委屈而哭哭啼啼(whimper)的,故人们以wimp称之;其二,该词源于美国漫画家埃尔齐·西格(Elzie C. Segar, 1894-1938)创作的连环画Popeye(大力水手)中名叫Wimpy的衣着邋遢的大胖子。
可能缩写自 whimper,拟声词,哭泣,呜咽,引申词义懦夫。