- whiskey (n.)
- 1715, from Gaelic uisge beatha "whisky," literally "water of life," from Old Irish uisce "water" (from PIE *ud-skio-, from root *wed- (1) "water, wet;" see water (n.1)) + bethu "life" (from PIE *gwi-wo-tut-, suffixed form of *gwi-wo-, from root *gweie- (1) "to live;" see bio-).
According to Barnhart, the Gaelic is probably a loan-translation of Medieval Latin aqua vitae, which had been applied to intoxicating drinks since early 14c. (compare French eau de vie "brandy"). Other early spellings in English include usquebea (1706) and iskie bae (1580s). In Ireland and Scotland obtained from malt; in the U.S. commonly made from corn or rye. Spelling distinction between Scotch whisky and Irish and American whiskey is a 19c. innovation. Whisky sour is recorded from 1889.
该词的英语词源请访问找单词词源英文版:whiskey 词源,whiskey 含义。
“威士忌”这一酒名来自苏格兰和爱尔兰的盖尔语uisge beatha,意思也是“生命之水”。英国国王亨利八世(Henry VIII,1491——1547)特别喜爱这种新牌子的酒,便将它推而广之,在广泛的流传中,这种酒的名字也渐由uisge beatha演变成usquebaugh,又变成whisheybaugh,whiskbae,最后变成whiskey或whishy.
来自苏格兰盖尔语 uisge-beatha,生命之水,uisge,水,词源 water,beatha,生命,词源同 biology. whisper 耳语