- weld

- weld: [16] Weld is ultimately the same verb as well (as in ‘The tears welled up in his eyes’). This originally meant ‘boil, melt’, but in the 15th century (perhaps under the influence of Swedish välla ‘gush, weld’) it began to be used for ‘fuse metal by heating’. Weld itself presumably arose from the use of the past form welled as a present form.
=> well - weld (n.2)

- "joint formed by welding," 1831, from weld (v.).
- weld (v.)

- 1590s, "unite or consolidate by hammering or compression, often after softening by heating," alteration of well (v.) "to boil, rise;" influenced by past participle form welled. Related: Welded; welding.
- weld (n.1)

- plant (Resedo luteola) producing yellow dye, late 14c., from Old English *wealde, perhaps a variant of Old English wald "forest" (see wold). Spanish gualda, French gaude are Germanic loan-words.
该词的英语词源请访问找单词词源英文版:weld 词源,weld 含义。
华尔兹多用旋转舞步,其名称waltz的本义正是“转”,提炼词根wal-“转”,如welter(翻滚);单词well(涌出)同源,原指水沸腾时的翻滚、旋转,引申为沸水向外喷薄的状态,所以表“涌出”;weld和well 同源,由沸水的高温,引申出“焊接”之义。