- Waterloo

- Waterloo: [19] The decisive battle at which the army of Napoleon was finally defeated by British, Dutch, and Prussian forces was fought just outside the village of Waterloo, near Brussels in Belgium, on 18 June 1815. The word Waterloo soon came to be used metaphorically for a ‘final and crushing defeat, something that puts one hors de combat for ever’. The first record of this new application comes in a letter written in 1816 by Lord Byron to his friend Thomas Moore: ‘It [Armenian] is … a Waterloo of an Alphabet’.
- Waterloo (n.)

- village near Brussels; the great battle there took place June 18, 1815; extended sense of "a final, crushing defeat" is first attested 1816 in letter of Lord Byron. The second element in the place name is from Flemish loo "sacred wood."
该词的英语词源请访问找单词词源英文版:Waterloo 词源,Waterloo 含义。
Waterloo:[,wɔ:tə'lu:] 滑铁卢,惨败,致命打击
布鲁塞尔村庄名,1815 年拿破仑兵败之地,引申词义惨败。其字面意思即水中树林。