For this was on seynt Volantynys day
Whan euery bryd cometh there to chese his make.
[Chaucer, "Parlement of Foules," c. 1381]
Probably the date was the informal first day of spring in whatever French region invented the custom (many surviving medieval calendars reckon the start of spring on the 7th or 22nd of February). No evidence connects it with the Roman Lupercalia (an 18c. theory) or to any romantic or avian quality in either of the saints. The custom of sending special cards or letters on this date flourished in England c. 1840-1870, declined around the turn of the 20th century, and revived 1920s.
To speak of the particular Customs of the English Britons, I shall begin with Valentine's Day, Feb. 14. when young Men and Maidens get their several Names writ down upon Scrolls of Paper rolled up, and lay 'em asunder, the Men drawing the Maidens Names, and these the Mens; upon which, the Men salute their chosen Valentines and present them with Gloves, &c. This Custom (which sometimes introduces a Match) is grounded upon the Instinct of Animals, which about this Time of the Year, feeling a new Heat by the approach of the Sun, begin to couple. ["The Present State of Great Britain and Ireland" London, 1723]
该词的英语词源请访问找单词词源英文版:valentine 词源,valentine 含义。
2月14日是西方的St. Valentine's Day(圣瓦伦庭节)。人们在这一天庆祝浪漫的爱情并向心爱的人寄情人卡、赠送红玫瑰或巧克力,表示倾慕之情。按传统的做法,情人卡上是不署名的,所以收到情人卡的人就得自己猜这卡是谁寄来的了。有的人还特地在这一天选择情人。实际上这可以说是专为情侣设立的节日,所以人们也称之为“情人节”。在此节日赠送给情人的礼物或贺词、贺卡、图画,在此节日选定送礼致意的情人等,在英语中均可用valentine一词来表示。
St. Valentine是公元3世纪一位基督教殉教者。根据传说,有两个St. Valentine同日殉难,一个是意大利牧师、医生,另一个是意大利境内特尔尼(Terni)的主教,可能原本就是一人。英国教士勃特勒(Alban Butler, 1710-1773)所写《圣徒故事集》(Lives of the Saints)一书中讲述的二者故事几乎完全一致。Valentine因为帮助受罗马皇帝迫害的基督教徒而被逮捕,先遭棍打,后被斩首。死刑是公元270年2月14日于罗马执行的。因此,后人便把2月14日作为St. Valentine的祝典日,称St. Valentine's Day。
这一节日以后变成情人节则是由于两个日期上的巧合,与这两位圣徒毫无关系:2月14日正巧是古时传统的鸟类择偶日,而2月15日又是古罗马的牧神节(Lupercalia),一个与爱情有关的节日。英国诗人乔叟在他写的《百鸟会议》(Assembly of Fowls)一诗中提到鸟类在St. Valentine's Day这一天择偶交配:
For this was on Saint Valentine's Day,
When ev'ry fowl cometh to choose her make.
莎翁在《仲夏夜之梦》(Midsummer Night's Dream)一剧中也将这两者联系在一起:
Good morrow, friends! St. Valentine is past;
Begin these wood-birds but to couple now?
青年人是富于想像力的,正如一位作家所说的,青年人很容易由此联想到爱情。他们选择在这一天以抽签方式选择情侣,并给情侣赠送礼品。到了19世纪初期,青年人还在这一天给异性友人寄诙谐信或情书。到最后,与St. Valentine's Day重合的鸟类择偶日逐渐地演变为情人节。然而,这种源于古罗马的习俗在今天的西方社会已经引不起公众多大的兴趣,情人节只是因为贺卡业的发达才得以保留至今。
来自拉丁语 Valentinus,意大利守护圣人,字面意思为力量,能力,词源同 valiant.据说是因为 其纪念日期间,恰好是鸟儿互相选择伴侣的时候,因而引申词义情人节。