- tony (adj.)
- "of a high tone, affecting social elegance," 1877, American English slang, from tone (n.) + -y (2). It was the name of a reddish-brown fashion color in the 1920s.
- Tony
- 1947, awards given by American Theatre Wing (New York), from nickname of U.S. actress, manager, and producer Antoinette Perry (1888-1946).
- Tony
- masc. proper name, short for Anthony. Tony Curtis, style of men's haircut (usually with a D.A. at the back), is from 1956, from screen name of U.S. film star Bernard Schwarz (1925-2010).
俚语,来自 tone,音调,-y,比喻用法。引申词义高音的,有格调的,后用于指豪华的,昂贵 的等。
该词的英语词源请访问找单词词源英文版:tony 词源,tony 含义。