As the term "continental deposits" in this sense is now ingrained in Geology, we can no longer use Dana's "continental seas" without raising a question in the mind as to what is meant when their deposits are considered. For this reason we propose here to use epeiric seas (meaning seas that lie upon the continents) for the bodies of water that lie within the continents in the downwarps of the continental masses. [Louis V. Pirsson, "A Text-Book of Geology," 1915]
来自拉丁语 textus,纺织品,编织艺术,来自 texere,纺织,编织,来自 PIE*teks,纺织,编织, 词源同 textile,technology.
该词的英语词源请访问找单词词源英文版:text- 词源,text- 含义。
来自拉丁语 textus,纺织品,编织艺术,来自 texere,纺织,编织,来自 PIE*teks,纺织,编织, 词源同 textile,technology.