

temple: Temple for worship [OE] and temple at the side of the head [14] are distinct words. The former was borrowed from Latin templum, which originated as a term relating to pination, used by priests in ancient times. It denoted a space marked out or ‘cut’ out as suitable for making observations on which auguries were based – some say a space marked out on the ground, others a section of the night sky.

It probably came ultimately from the base *tem- ‘cut’, which also produced Greek témein ‘cut’ and the English suffix -tomy ‘surgical cutting’. It has found its way into most western European languages, including German, Dutch, Swedish, and Danish tempel and Welsh teml as well as the Romance languages. Temple ‘area at the side of the head’ comes via Old French temple from Vulgar Latin *tempula, an alteration of tempora, the plural of Latin tempus.

This of course originally meant ‘time’ (English gets temporary from it), and it seems that the sense ‘area at the side of the head’ arose via an intermediate ‘appropriate time, proper period’, hence ‘right place (for dealing someone a fatal blow)’.

=> tome; temporary
temple (n.1)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"building for worship, edifice dedicated to the service of a deity or deities," Old English tempel, from Latin templum "piece of ground consecrated for the taking of auspices, building for worship of a god," of uncertain signification. Commonly referred to PIE root *tem- "to cut" (see tome), on notion of "place reserved or cut out" [Watkins], or to root *temp- "to stretch" [Klein's sources], on notion of "cleared space in front of an altar" (see tenet). Compare Greek temenos "sacred area around a temple," literally "place cut off," from stem of temnein "to cut." Figurative sense of "any place regarded as occupied by pine presence" was in Old English. Applied to Jewish synagogues from 1590s.
temple (n.2)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"side of the forehead," mid-14c., from Old French temple "side of the forehead" (11c.), from Vulgar Latin *tempula (plural taken as fem. singular), from Latin tempora, plural of tempus (genitive temporis) "side of the forehead," perhaps originally "the thin stretch of skin at the side of the forehead," from PIE *temp- "to stretch," an extension of the root *ten- "to stretch" (see tenet), from the notion of "stretched," thus "thin," which is the notion in cognate Old English ðunwange, literally "thin cheek." Or possibly associated with tempus span "timely space" (for a mortal blow with a sword).





temple: ['temp(ə)l] n.庙宇,寺院,神殿,太阳穴

contemplate: ['kɒntempleɪt; -təm-] v.注视,沉思,冥思苦想

contemplation: [,kɒntem'pleɪʃ(ə)n]n.注视,沉思,意图

该词的英语词源请访问找单词词源英文版:temple 词源,temple 含义。




古罗马占卜者在预卜未来时是先伸出手在空间划出一片,然后就在这片空间观察各种征兆来预测吉凶祸福。划出的这片空间拉丁文叫templum,占卜者往往也同样地在地面上划出一片区域,也称之为templum,最后templum转义指竖立在那里的建筑物,即寺院、庙宇、神殿。英语temple 一词就是来源于该拉丁词。 temple 有一个同形同音异义词,这就是表示“太阳穴”或“鬓角”的temple。该词源于拉丁语tempus (时间),与另一个英语单词temporary (临时的,短暂的)是同源词。


来源于拉丁语名词templum, -i, n庙,祠


来自古英语 tempel,庙宇,来自拉丁语 templum,圣地,神圣之地,可能来自 PIE*tem,砍,切, 分开,词源同 tome,anatomy.比喻用法,即与世俗隔开的地方。


来自古英语 tempel,庙宇,来自拉丁语 templum,圣地,神圣之地,可能来自 PIE*tem,砍,切, 分开,词源同 tome,anatomy.比喻用法,即与世俗隔开的地方。


来自古法语 temple,前额边,太阳穴,来自拉丁语 tempus,前额边,太阳穴,来自 PIE*temp, 展开,来自 PIE*ten,展开,词源同 extend,thin,tenuous.由展开引申词义细的,薄的,脆弱的, 后用于指太阳穴。