- teetotal

- teetotal: [19] The adverb teetotally is first recorded in America in 1832 (James Hall, in his Legends of West Philadelphia, recorded a Kentucky backwoodsman as saying ‘These Mingoes … ought to be essentially, and particularly, and tee-totally obflisticated off of the face of the whole yearth’); the tee represents the initial t of total, as if repeating it to give extra emphasis to the word.
The application of the adjective teetotal to ‘total abstinence from alcohol’ (that is, including beer, and not just spirits) is virtually contemporary. It is credited to a certain Richard Turner, of Preston, Lancashire, who is reputed to have used it in a speech to a temperance society in September 1833.
- teetotal (v.)

- "pledged to total abstinence from intoxicating drink," 1834, possibly formed from total (adj.) with a reduplication of the initial T- for emphasis (T-totally "totally," though not in an abstinence sense, is recorded in Kentucky dialect from 1832 and is possibly older in Irish-English).
The use in temperance jargon was first noted September 1833 in a speech advocating total abstinence (from beer as well as wine and liquor) by Richard "Dicky" Turner, a working-man from Preston, England. Also said to have been introduced in 1827 in a New York temperance society which recorded a T after the signature of those who had pledged total abstinence, but contemporary evidence for this is wanting, and while Century Dictionary allows that "the word may have originated independently in the two countries," OED favors the British origin and ones that Webster (1847) calls teetotaler "a cant word formed in England."
1832年,一位名叫Richard Turner的英国工人在普雷斯顿市参加了一场戒酒集会。在会上,Turner用浓重的方言磕磕巴巴地说了一句话:“Nothing but t-t-t-t-total abstinence will do”(只有…完…完…完全戒酒才行)。没想到,这句磕磕巴巴的话却给与会者留下了深刻印象,而磕巴出来的单词t-t-t-t-total也演变成了teetotal,表示强调“total”。从此后,人们就用teetotal表示完全戒酒,即滴酒不沾,用teetotaler表示滴酒不沾的人,用来区分不喝烈酒,但不戒低度酒的人。
teetotal:[tiː'təʊt(ə)l] adj.完全的,绝对的,绝对戒酒的,滴酒不沾的vi.绝对戒酒
teetotaler:[ti'totlɚ] n.绝对戒酒的人,滴酒不沾的人
该词的英语词源请访问找单词词源英文版:teetotal 词源,teetotal 含义。
tee-,来自 total 的首字母音,据说是来自某结巴说话不清楚的笑话,或为表强调,total,整个的, 完全的。用以指滴酒不沾的人。