

tarmac: [20] The term tarmac commemorates the name of John Loudon McAdam (1756–1836), a Scottish civil engineer who developed a method of levelling roads and covering them with gravel. Setting the gravel in tar produced in the 1880s the term tarmacadam, and in 1903 the abbreviated form tarmac was registered as a trademark. By 1919 the word was being used in British English as a synonym for ‘runway’.
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1903, Tarmac, a trademark name, short for tarmacadam (1882) "pavement created by spraying tar over crushed stone," from tar (n.1) + John L. McAdam (see macadam). By 1919, tarmac was being used generally in Great Britain for "runway."



19世纪前期苏格兰工程师 John. L.MacAdam 发明了碎石铺路法,一个出版其姓氏,表示“碎石路面”的词 macadam 便应运而生,随后又由此派生出 macadamize (用碎石铺路)一词。到了20世纪初,又有许多人不停地在想办法改进路面。1901年诺丁汉郡一位名叫胡利的乡村巡视员发现德比郡德比镇一家铁厂附近有段公路尽管交通繁忙,但路面却平整坚硬。他一打听方知原来曾有一架马车在此撒下一桶柏油,后因无法收拾便拉来炉渣,掺在一起抹平了事。胡利受此启发,翌年春制成用柏油和煤渣等掺合的铺路材料,并取得该项发明的专利,此后不久又成立了一家联合公司,专门生产此种铺路材料,以Tarmac 作为商标名。Tarmac系由tar (柏油)与 macadam (碎石路面)二词缩合而成。1905年该公司改称Tarmac 公司。第二次世界大战期间,它曾受命于英国政府为大型机场修筑道路。tarmac 现在已经不再是商标名,它已经转化为普通名词,指“(铺路用的)柏油碎石混合料”或“柏油碎石路面”。

该词的英语词源请访问找单词词源英文版:tarmac 词源,tarmac 含义。