

tantamount: [17] Tantamount means etymologically ‘amounting to as much’. It comes from an earlier verb tantamount ‘amount to as much as, be equal to’, which was a lexicalization of the Anglo-Norman expression tant amunter ‘amount to as much’. This was made up of tant ‘as much’, which came via Old French from Latin tantus, and amunter, ancestor of English amount.
=> amount, paramount
tantamount (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1640s, from verbal phrase tant amount "be equivalent" (1620s), from Anglo-French tant amunter "amount to as much" (late 13c.), from Old French tant "as much" (11c., from Latin tantus, from tam "so;" see tandem) + amonter "amount to, go up" (see amount (v.)).



来自短语 tant amount,等同,一致,来自拉丁语 tantus,一样的,一致,来自 tam,因此,所以, 词源同 tandem,this,that.主要用于贬义修饰。

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