- tantalize
- tantalize: [16] The verb tantalize was inspired by the sad story of Tantalus, a mythical king of Phrygia in the ancient world. He had displeased the gods in some way (versions differ as to how, the commonest being that he had stolen their food), and as a punishment he was condemned to stand for ever in water up to his chin, while overhead hung boughs laden with fruit: whenever he stooped to drink, the water disappeared, and when he tried to reach the fruit, the wind blew it away. The term tantalus, coined in the 19th century for a lockable decanter stand whose contents can be seen but not got at, preserves the same idea.
- tantalize (v.)
- 1590s, with -ize + Latin Tantalus, from Greek Tantalos, king of Phrygia, son of Zeus, father of Pelops and Niobe, punished in the afterlife (for an offense variously given) by being made to stand in a river up to his chin, under branches laden with fruit, all of which withdrew from his reach whenever he tried to eat or drink. His story was known to Chaucer (c. 1369). Related: Tantalized; tantalizing; tantalizingly; tantalization.
在希腊神话中,坦塔罗斯(Tantalus)是天神宙斯在凡间的儿子,统治着吕狄亚 的西庇洛。由于他出身高贵,众神都很给他面子,甚至能够与宙斯同桌进餐。但是坦塔罗斯得意忘形,不断亵渎神灵,触犯天条。有次,为了试探众神是否真的知晓 一切,他邀请众神来家中做客,杀死自己的儿子,做成一道美食来款待众神。在场的神灵看破了坦塔罗斯的轨迹,都没有动筷子,只有谷物女神因为思念被抢走的女 儿而心神不定,出于礼貌稍微尝了一块肩胛骨。
该词的英语词源请访问找单词词源英文版:tantalize 词源,tantalize 含义。
tantalize 一词也源出古希腊神话。
主神宙斯之子Tantalus 是传说中的吕底亚(Lydia,一说 Phrygia)国王。因他泄露了天机(一说他盗取了神桌上的神食和琼液给凡人),后又惨杀了亲生儿子珀罗普斯(Pelops),并以其肉宴请众神,因而触怒了宙斯,被打入地府。 Tantalus 被罚永世站在清澈的河中,河水恰恰深及下巴,每当他口渴难忍,俯身欲饮,河水立即消退;他头上是果实累累的果树,每当他腹饥欲食,伸手去摘果子,不是树枝立即升高,就是果子被风吹去。Tantalus 就是这样永远又饥又渴,忍受着可望而不可即的、难以言喻的痛苦。英语动词 tantalize 便是据Tantalus 产生的,有“逗引”或“逗弄”之意。
来自拉丁语 Tantalus,来自希腊语 Tantalos,古希腊神话中的人物,传说中为古希腊城邦 Phrygia 国王,宙斯在凡间的私生子,恃宠而骄,蔑视诸神,为检验诸神是否如传说中一样能未卜先 知,将自己儿子杀死做成一桌菜款待诸神,诸神识破后为对他进行惩罚,将其绑在一池深水 的铁链上,水波刚好够到他的下巴,低头要喝水,水即流走,鲜果悬荡在其额头,仰头要吃 水果,果枝即晃走。因其引申该词义。