- substantive (adj.)

- mid-15c., "standing by itself," from Old French substantif, from Late Latin substantivus "of substance or being, self-existent," from Latin substantia "being, essence, material" (see substance). The grammatical term (late 14c.) was introduced by the French to denote the noun in contradistinction to the adjective, from Latin nomen substantivum "name or word of substance." Related: Substantival; substantively.
- substantive (n.)

- in grammatical use, late 14c., short for noun substantive, from Late Latin substantivium, neuter of substantivus "of substance or being" (see substantive (adj.)). Latin nomen substantivum was "name or word of substance."
词根词缀: sub-下,低 + -st-站立,放置 + -ant形容词词尾 + -ive形容词词尾
该词的英语词源请访问找单词词源英文版:substantive 词源,substantive 含义。
substance,要点,实质,-ive,形容词后缀。引申词义本质上的,实质上的。拼写比较 space,spatial.