

starboard: [OE] Starboard is etymologically ‘steer-board’. The word originated as an Old English compound formed from stēor ‘paddle, rudder’ (a relative of the verb steer) and bord ‘board’. The early Germanic peoples propelled and steered their boats by means of a paddle on the right-hand side of the vessel – hence the use of starboard as the nautical equivalent of right.
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Old English steorbord, literally "steer-board, side on which a vessel was steered," from steor "rudder, steering paddle," from Proto-Germanic *steuro "a steering" (compare German Steuer), from PIE *steu-, secondary form of root *sta- "to stand" (see stet) + bord "ship's side" (see board (n.2)). Similar formation in Old Norse stjornborði, Low German stürbord, Dutch stuurboord, German Steuerbord.

Early Germanic peoples' boats were propelled and steered by a paddle on the right side. The opposite side of the ship sometimes in Germanic was the "back-board" (Old English bæcbord). French tribord (Old French estribord), Italian stribordo "starboard" are Germanic loan-words.



在古代撒克逊人的船只中,负责控制船只方向的船舵安装在船的右侧外沿,所以在古英语中,这一侧的船舷被称为steorbord(steer board),后来演变为现代英语中的starboard(右舷)。船只靠岸时,必须使右舷朝外,用左舷靠近码头来装卸货物,所以在古英语中左舷被称为ladd borde(the loading side),后来演变为现代英语中的larboard(左舷)。由于starboard(右舷)和larboard(左舷)发音接近,不易区分,人们后来又将左舷称为port。port原指“港口”,由于船只进港时左舷朝向港口码头,所以就用port来表示左舷。

starboard:['stɑːbɔːd; -bəd] n.右舷adj.右舷的v.向右转舵

larboard:['lɑːbɔːd; -bəd] n.左舷adj.左舷的adv朝左舷

port:[pɔːt] n.港口,端口,左舷v.向左转舵

该词的英语词源请访问找单词词源英文版:starboard 词源,starboard 含义。


来自古英语 steorbord,右舷,右侧,字面意思即驾驶侧,等同于 steer,驾驶,操纵,board,板, 边,侧。来自过去人坐在船后面右侧撑竿以控制船的方向,因大多数人习惯于用右手而设计。