- solecism

- solecism: [16] Solecism ‘act of (grammatical) impropriety’ comes via Latin soloecismus from Greek soloikismós, a derivative of sóloikos ‘ungrammatical utterance’. This is said to have referred originally to the speech of Athenian colonists in Soloi, in ancient Cilicia, southern Turkey, held by snooty sophisticates back home in Athens to be a debased form of their own speech.
- solecism (n.)

- "gross grammatical error;" loosely "any absurdity or incongruity," 1570s, from Middle French solécisme (16c.), from Latin soloecismus "mistake in speaking or writing," from Greek soloikismos "to speak (Greek) incorrectly," from soloikos "ungrammatical utterance," properly "a speaking like the people of Soloi," an Athenian colony in Cilicia (modern Mezitli in Turkey), whose dialect the Athenians considered barbarous. Related: Solecistic.
从狭义上来说,solecism指违反语法或习惯用法的错误;从广义上来说,则泛指任何语言错误,包括用词不当、非一致性等情况,有时也指失札。一些辞书将它释义为“文理不通”,不完全概括得了。solecism源出地名Soli,也作Soloio这是古希腊的雅典属地,小亚细亚西利西亚省( Cilicia)的一个城镇。由于Soli/Soloi远离雅典,时间一长,该地居民所操希腊语自然而然地发生了变化,成为一种独具特点的希腊方言。雅典人来到Soli/Soloi这个地方,听到当地方言,惊愕不已。就像早期英国人听见美语一样,雅典的语言纯正癖者认为该方言既不纯真规范而又粗俗不雅。他们据Soloi造了形容词soloikos,继而又据此造出名词soloikismos,用以表示“说得不正确”,以后该词被借人到拉丁语中,作soloecismus,16世纪以solecisrn的形式进入了英语。Soli在今日的土耳其境内,在亚历山大大帝(Alexander the Great)时代曾是一个繁荣的重要港口,以后在战争中一度被毁,后为罗马将军庞培所重建.,Soli没有多少古迹残留至今,然而源于Soli的solecism一河却长存于所有现代欧洲语言之中,如法语作solecisme,西班牙语作solecismo。
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来 自 拉 丁 语 soloecismus, 语 病 错 误 , 来 自 希 腊 语 soloikismos, 说 拙 劣 的 希 腊 语 , 来 自 soloikos,Soloi 人说的希腊语,来自 Soloi,城市名,雅典在 Cilicia 的殖民地,位于现土耳其, 说的希腊语有很多语法或文理错误,为雅典人所鄙视。-ism,主义,思想,行为。