- serve

- serve: [13] Latin servus ‘slave’ has been a rich source of English vocabulary. It is the direct ancestor of serf [15] (and of the second syllable of concierge [17]). but it is its derivatives that have made the most numerous contributions. From the verb servīre ‘serve’ come deserve, dessert, sergeant, servant [13], serve, and serviette [15] (but not, despite the similarity, conserve, observe, preserve, reserve, etc, which go back to the unrelated Latin servāre ‘keep, protect’). Servītium ‘slavery’ has provided service [12] and its derivative serviceable [14], while from servīlis ‘slavish’ comes servile [14].
=> concierge, deserve, dessert, serf, serviette, servile - serve (v.)

- late 12c., "to render habitual obedience to," also "minister, give aid, give help," from Old French servir "to do duty toward, show devotion to; set table, serve at table; offer, provide with," from Latin servire "be a servant, be in service, be enslaved;" figuratively "be devoted; be governed by; comply with; conform; flatter," originally "be a slave," related to servus "slave," perhaps from Etruscan (compare Etruscan proper names Servi, Serve, Latinized as Servius).
By c. 1200 also as "to be in the service of, perform a service for; attend upon, be personal servant to; be a slave; owe allegiance to; officiate at Mass or other religious rites;" from early 13c. as "set food at table;" mid-14c. as "to wait on (customers)." From late 14c. as "treat (someone or something) in some fashion." To serve (someone) right "to treat as he deserves" is recorded from 1580s.
He no schuld neuer wond
To seruen him fro fot to hond
["Amis and Amiloun," c. 1330]
Sense of "be useful, be beneficial, be suitable for a purpose or function" is from early 14c.; that of "take the place or meet the needs of, be equal to the task" is from late 14c.; that of "suffice" is from mid-15c. Meaning "render active military service" is from 1510s. Sporting sense, in tennis, badminton, etc., first recorded 1580s. Legal sense "present" (a writ, warrant,etc.), "give legal notice of" is from early 15c. - serve (n.)

- 1680s, in sports (tennis, etc.), from serve (v.).
词根词缀: -serv-服务 + -e动词词尾
该词的英语词源请访问找单词词源英文版:serve 词源,serve 含义。
来自拉丁语 servire,服务,服侍,来自 servus,奴隶,仆人,可能来自*ser,连接,排列,词源 同 series,serial.引申诸相关词义。