

school: School for teaching [OE] and school of fish [14] are different words. The former was borrowed into prehistoric Germanic from medieval Latin scōla, and has since evolved into German schule, Dutch school, Swedish skola, and Danish skole, as well as English school. The medieval Latin word itself goes back via classical Latin schola to Greek skholé.

This originally denoted ‘leisure’, and only gradually developed through ‘leisure used for intellectual argument or education’ and ‘lecture’ to ‘school’ (in the sense ‘educational assembly’) and finally ‘school’ the building. The Latin word has spread throughout Europe, not just in the Romance languages (French école, Italian scuola, Spanish escuela), but also into Welsh ysgol, Irish scoil, Latvian skuola, Russian shkola, Polish szkola, etc.

Derivatives of the Latin word in English include scholar [14] and scholastic [16]. School of fish was borrowed from Middle Dutch schōle ‘troop, group’. This went back to a prehistoric West Germanic *skulo, which may have been derived from the base *skal-, *skel-, *skul- ‘split, pide’ (source also of English scale, scalp, shell, etc); if so, it would mean etymologically a ‘pision’.

=> scholar, scholastic; shoal
school (n.1)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"place of instruction," Old English scol, from Latin schola "intermission of work, leisure for learning; learned conversation, debate; lecture; meeting place for teachers and students, place of instruction; disciples of a teacher, body of followers, sect," from Greek skhole "spare time, leisure, rest ease; idleness; that in which leisure is employed; learned discussion;" also "a place for lectures, school;" originally "a holding back, a keeping clear," from skhein "to get" (from PIE root *segh- "to hold, hold in one's power, to have;" see scheme (n.)) + -ole by analogy with bole "a throw," stole "outfit," etc.

The original notion is "leisure," which passed to "otiose discussion" (in Athens or Rome the favorite or proper use for free time), then "place for such discussion." The Latin word was widely borrowed (Old French escole, French école, Spanish escuela, Italian scuola, Old High German scuola, German Schule, Swedish skola, Gaelic sgiol, Welsh ysgol, Russian shkola). Translated in Old English as larhus, literally "lore house," but this seems to have been a glossary word only.

Meaning "students attending a school" in English is attested from c. 1300; sense of "school building" is first recorded 1590s. Sense of "people united by a general similarity of principles and methods" is from 1610s; hence school of thought (1864). School of hard knocks "rough experience in life" is recorded from 1912 (in George Ade); to tell tales out of school "betray damaging secrets" is from 1540s. School bus is from 1908. School days is from 1590s. School board from 1870.
school (n.2)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"group of fish," c. 1400, from Middle Dutch schole (Dutch school) "group of fish or other animals," cognate with Old English scolu "band, troop, crowd of fish," from West Germanic *skulo- (cognates: Old Saxon scola "troop, multitude," West Frisian skoal), perhaps with a literal sense of "pision," from PIE root *(s)kel- (1) "to cut, pide" (see scale (n.1)). Compare shoal (n.2)). For possible sense development, see section from Latin secare "to cut."
school (v.1)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"to educate; to reprimand, to discipline," mid-15c., from school (n.1). Related: Schooled; schooling.
school (v.2)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
"collect or swim in schools," 1590s, from school (n.2). Related: Schooled; schooling.



School这个词是从希腊语schole一词来的,意思是“闲暇”。在古希腊人看来,即些从事战争和搞政治的人是辛苦的,而只有“闲暇”的人才有时间读 书学习。后来,古希腊的哲学家亚里士多德、柏拉图给青年讲课的地方就被称作schole,这个词以后转成拉丁语词school,后又被英语借用。


school:[skuːl] n.学校,学派


该词的英语词源请访问找单词词源英文版:school 词源,school 含义。





来源于拉丁语名词schola, -ae, f(学校)。

同源词: scholar归类:nursery 幼儿园 primary school, elementary school 小学 junior high school 初中 senior high school 高中 academy, college, institute 学院 university 大学graduate school 研究生院


来自拉丁语 schola,授课,讲堂,学校,字面意思即空闲,可以学习的时间,来自希腊语 skhole, 空闲的时间,学习的地方,来自 skhein,持有,得到,支配,来自 PIE*segh,持有,拥有,词


来自中古荷兰语 schole,鱼群,来自 West-Germanic*skulo,群集,来自 PIE*skel,切,分开,词 源同 scale,shell,shoal.引申词义人群,群集等。