- scherzo

- scherzo: see scorn
- scherzo (n.)

- 1852, from Italian scherzo, literally "sport, joke," from scherzare "to jest or joke," from a Germanic source (compare Middle High German scherzen "to jump merrily, enjoy oneself," German scherz "sport"), from PIE *(s)ker- (2) "leap, jump about." The lively second or third movement in a multi-movement musical work. Scherzando is the Italian gerund of scherzare.
来自意大利语 scherzo,谐谑曲,来自 scherzare,玩笑,玩乐,来自 PIE*sker,跳动,舞动。
该词的英语词源请访问找单词词源英文版:scherzo 词源,scherzo 含义。